Members Forum

The Members Forum is online. There may be some residual issues and we are working on them.

-->VISIT OUR MEMBER'S FORUM Registration required

Our online forum is the primary place to find information regarding our fellowship, meetings and support for your recovery. You must register to view the content of the forum. This is done in the spirit of the 12th Tradition which states that anonymity is the spiritual foundation of our program.

Please do NOT register more than once using multiple emails. This does not speed up the registration process. It will slow it down as we check each sign-up for spammers. If you sign up multiple times, you will run the risk of not being activated at all.

Please Note

Once you have registered, it can take as long as 48 hours for processing. Make sure that you have written down your user ID and password as we do not have access to your passwords.

The forum is now tapatalk app compatible! See the posting on the board for more information!

Prior to emailing us, please sign up on the Member’s Forum to get more information and to contact other members.